Espoo Housing Fair / Twilight


The basis of design and quality The objective of the design was to create a modern wooden house with traditional methods and materials. The natural variation of altitude on the site was incorporated in to the architecture of the building and its interior: Interesting views can be seen both from inside the house out and from one room to another.

Normal domestic activities have been situated naturally on different levels of the building. The placement of the working space makes attending to clients possible all the while facilitating the participation to the domestic life as well. The goal was to combine the ideal of a safe, family-oriented home with the space for a parent to work from home.

Materials Wood is the main material both in and outside. Traditional oil and flax paint were used. Roofing material is machine seamed sheet metal. The plinth and the support wall are partially covered with shale stone.

See Tekniikan maailma 15/06, Avotakka 08/06 and Deko 04/06.